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This week in Connecticut

This week is sadly lacking in subway drawings, I was at a loss because I was in Connecticut with no subway! I was staying with my friends E and B in Hartford while I was working on painting the back wall of a theatre from painted black brick to look like it hadn't been painted (no....really.). They have a great apartment, and I started drawing this one evening after work. There was no one in the chair when I started drawing, and B was warned that if he sat in the chair while we all watched a movie he would likely become a part of the sketch. I continued to work on it for the next two nights as well, I forgot how much slower pencil is than watercolors! Worse, since I was using the world's smallest mechanical pencil. I was happy with the result though! May do a watercolor version at some point; the lighting was complicated, coming from the lamp, the computer, and a door located behind the chair, and I think I could get that all down a little better with color.




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