Flashback Friday: Columbus Circle
Today's post contains two views of Columbus circle, the first I did in a couple of hours in August, and the second I did in about a half...
New Exciting things!
New toys make for a happy painter! For Christmas I received a printer and scanner (thanks Santa!), and since December the scanner has...
On the Subway: A Young Artist at Work
Last night on the train home from getting my hair cut, a little girl was sketching furiously in a notebook, balanced on her bright pink...
A Whirlwind New England Weekend
It turned out to be a very good thing that I posted one of my Grand Central sketches as last week's flashback Friday, as when I traveled...
Last Friday's Subway Sketch
I call this "Man Whose Coat Looks and Acts as a Sleeping Bag." I was particularly please with the composition in this one!
Flashback Friday: Grand Central
In honor of going out of town this weekend, via Grand Central, here is the first sketch I did inside the terminal! I was on my way back...
A Post-Valentine's Sketch from the Subway
Yesterday was another NJ transit commute for me, and at the stop before mine, right after I finished a sketch that didn't go especially...
Flashback Friday: Hartford
In honor of spending a chunk of my week in Connecticut, here's Hartford in August! I went with my friend E (one of the friends I was...
This week in Connecticut
This week is sadly lacking in subway drawings, I was at a loss because I was in Connecticut with no subway! I was staying with my friends...
Ten Minute Portraits!
It happened! Today was the annual NYC Urban Sketchers Portrait event! And I survived! I was pretty happy with my sketches (worth the...