Ten Minute Portraits!
It happened! Today was the annual NYC Urban Sketchers Portrait event! And I survived! I was pretty happy with my sketches (worth the practice). There were 18 "official" sketchers, and we went through and everyone had a chance to be the model and sit still for ten minutes while the rest of the sketchers frantically tried to get their face on the paper (provided for us, so it all matches). Here's a photo of the final grid...everyone did a great job of working "bold;" we had been told that the sketches should be readable from 25 feet away so you can see them when they're in the grid. This was really playing to my skill set, giving me a specific amount of time and telling me how far the audience will be from my work. Being a scenic was definitely an asset! For the grid we placed our work out in the order we posed. The first "victim" (read: "model") put out their row first, then the second and so on, so we each ended up with a column containing the portraits done of each sketcher and a row of our own work. Can you find my column?
Gallery below of the post for allllllll my sketches, in the order I sketched them. John, Jerry, April, Emily, and Ola are the ones I was happiest with. A perk of the event was getting to meet more people in the group and solidify in my mind some of the names I already knew!