NYC Urban Sketchers in Central Park
Yesterday NYC Urban Sketchers went to Central Park to sketch some of the many bridges peppered throughout the park. I started the day with a quick fifteen minute sketch of a statue near the Columbus Circle entrance to the park, while waiting for the sketchers to assemble and head into the park.

This first bridge we tackled was Greyshot Arch. We got lucky with a beautiful, sunny day!

The second bridge, Pinebank Arch, was originally built to cross over a bridal path. In the 1930's a ball field was installed just beyond the bridge, cutting off that bridal path. Since the path meets a dead end, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to camp out underneath the bridge and take advantage of the low traffic flow! The only people to pass were confused runners and the occasional dog-walker. Pinebank Arch is one of the few remaining cast iron bridges in the park, and its detail was definitely intimidating when I sat down to start sketching. I was happy with the result! (And look out for a fellow sketcher within the sketch!)

We stopped for lunch, using the chess tables by the dairy as picnic tables. I had a view of the skyline so I did a quick sketch from there.

Our final stop was Gapstow Bridge, closer to the south east corner of the park. I didn't bother to scope out the view from the opposite side of the bridge because the one with the Plaza in the background was too good to resist. Not pictured: the ducks, or the man serenading us on the bagpipes.