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CA Sketchcation, Santa Monica: "I Can't Tell Who You're Honking At: A Wedding Story&quo

So, if you read my first "Sketchcation" post, you know the real reason for this trip was to go to my best friend's wedding. Marisa and I have known each other since we were eleven, and went to middle school and high school together. There was no way I WASN'T flying across the country to go to her wedding. But it was a great excuse for the rest of the trip! The night before and night of the wedding, I decided to treat myself to a real hotel (rather than the airBNB's I was mostly staying in. AND (because I was, after all, on vacation) I decided to spend my time leading up to the wedding at my hotel pool. Although it was a day off driving, I decided it wasn't a day off sketching. So I sketched people at the pool!

I got ready for the wedding (uneventful) and headed out an hour and fifteen minutes before the wedding was set to start. Without traffic it would have taken me fifteen minutes. And thus began my introduction to terrible LA traffic. I had already experienced terrible LA drivers (I'm convinced they believe that every twitch of the wheel and turn signal must be accompanied by unsolicited honking), and what I now realize was milk LA traffic, but this was the first time I felt like I was in a parking lot. It took me 45 minutes to get to the wedding, but luckily I was still early! No time to sketch prior to the wedding, as I hoped, but plenty to schmooze with the other guests.

The wedding itself was at the Bel-Air Bay Club, a beautiful venue with a view of the ocean. The ceremony was on the lawn, facing the Pacific. Water was available as we walked in (genius!). It was officiated by both a rabbi and a priest, and was very touching. Luckily I wasn't trying to keep from crying, because I found out that looking at the bride's mother during the ceremony is NOT the way to keep from tearing up!

Afterwards, the cocktail hour was in a courtyard with a bubbling fountain, and the two musicians playing acoustic guitar from the ceremony continued to serenade us. There were brilliant appetizers, drinks made with fire (it's a long story), and excellent conversation. We continued inside for the reception, were joined by the bride and groom, and danced the night away. The only break from the dancing was for the fantastic dinner (anyone who knows me knows it's a big thing if I rave about the salad. But, y'all. The salad.)

I decided to do one token sketch. I cheated and worked from a photo one of my tablemates took on his phone (Thanks, Matt!), and worked on it between courses. And of course, immediately gave it to the happy couple. Mazel Tov, Shai and Marisa!




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