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Big News!

This week, I was asked to be in an art showcase hosted by RAW Natural Born Artists! It sounds like it's going to be really fun, it's not only fine art, there will be live music and dance, film screenings, fashion shows, and models showcasing hair and makeup designs. Also, it does feel super flattering to be scouted for something like this. It's all put together by artists, for artists, so unlike many other art shows, there's no fee for me to show, and if I sell anything (artists aren't required to have work for sale) they don't take a commission. The artists are asked to sell 20 tickets (at $22), and if by a week before the event we haven't sold them we can either buy the rest out ourselves or drop out of the event. And if we drop out, anyone who has bought a ticket through us is contacted and given the option of a refund! So it's pretty low risk. It's Wednesday, March 15th 7PM-Midnight. Check out my profile here! If you want to learn more about RAW, here's a video.




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